Nigeria is now experiencing a very high rate of unemployment, which is increasing in a geometric trend. As the Nigerian economy deteriorates, the economy is finding it increasingly difficult to cope (Waboi, 2017). Many experts have advocated for the development of an enabling environment for small-scale entrepreneurship to thrive. Most developed governments and individuals recognize the importance of small scale industrial development and collaborate to foster effective and sustainable small scale enterprises in their respective countries. Evidence also abounds that much is being done in the aforementioned locations to support the growth of this subsector of the economy. The importance of small and medium scale enterprises in the development of indigenous technology cannot be overstated (Waboi, 2017).
There are barriers to the expansion of micro and small size firms for poverty alleviation, job creation, and the country's socioeconomic progress. As a result of these restraints, the growth of MSEs is not diverse in terms of their responsibilities in the country. As a result, it is critical to revisit the issues that challenge the formation and establishment of MSEs, as well as the contribution of micro and small companies to the economy's efforts to decrease poverty (Hagen, 2019).